In our little family, we absolutely LOVE the beach! Unfortunately though, we live very, very, very, very far from a beach. Well, at least, an ocean beach. Any chance we get, we try to visit the beach. Actually, after our last beach vacation, Baby Girl cried almost every day for MONTHS that we do not live at the beach.
Well, spring break for the kids was upon us and originally we had no plans. Then, it turned out the hubby would be traveling to TX for the week of spring break and he had the great idea we should join him, so we did…
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We first started out in San Antonio, TX for a few days. We spent one afternoon at the pool at the gym. I did a work out class, while the kids played in the kids area. We had heard the indoor pool at the gym had indoor water slides!! Little Dude was so excited!! Apparently, though, the water slides are only open during their breaks and the summer. Texas schools happened to be on break the week before us, so the water sliders were not open. Bummer! However, we still had fun and Baby Girl was able to try out her new Pineapple Swimsuit I made from the It’s Sew Creative Preorder happening right now, right here!!

We left for our mini vacay on Tuesday, the same morning Little Dude woke up not feeling sick. Then, Baby Girl woke up on Thursday not feeling well. The three of us took it pretty easy during week, sleeping in and enjoying the nice weather, while the hubby worked. We did get to visit the Alamo, a cute a little park and Baby Girl napped at Top Golf. I did get the chance to hit the gym another morning hit the gym at 5:30 am before my husband went into work. Then, I came back to the hotel and slept in with the kids until 9.
Then, the weekend, we hit the beach!!

I mean, if you are going to be sick, might as well be sick at the beach, right? The above picture is exactly how I feel at the beach. There is just something about the warm weather, the breeze, the beach and maybe a little medicine for her cold, that just makes everything better.

Baby Girl actually had about 4 swimsuits to choose from on our trip. She actually picked the Pineapple Swimsuit as her favorite. It always makes me happy when she likes the clothes I make her. For example, if you remember last year’s Daddy/Daughter Dance dress, it is not always the case.

Ellie and Mac Girls Tropical Getaway Swimsuit Sewing Pattern with Rash Guard and Swim Skirt
I used the Tropical Getaway Swimsuit Sewing Pattern from Ellie and Mac. You may find it here. It is full of different options. You may remember the Pink Flamingo Swimsuit I made Baby Girl last summer. I used the same sewing pattern. In fact, I used the same size pattern. It looks like I may need to add a little more length to her next rash guard.

Even though, Baby Girl is girly girl, I was not sure how she would handle the skirt of the swim suit, so I did not attach it to the swim bottoms and left it as an extra accessory. She is actually wearing the bottoms from her Pink Flamingo swimsuit.

Let me tell how much Baby Girl loves the beach…. The water in the picture above was super cold!! She did not care, she was going to enjoy every second of it. One of the things I love about her. This was our last day there.. 🙁 Our Air B2B had an early check out of 10 am, so we checked out a bit early and headed to the beach with breakfast.

I had still had one can of Rose left, so breakfast may or may not of included some wine ;). While we were visiting the Alamo in San Antonio, Baby Girl and I found a fun store and picked up some color changing finger nail polish. It changes from silver to pink with sunlight. I am not sure who is more excited it, Baby Girl or me. You can get some of your own here. I bought a few more online, they should be here Thursday. 🙂 What a fun summer accessory.

Now we just have to wait until our next beach vacation…. While we wait, go grab the Pineapple Swimsuit fabric on preorder here and the Ellie and Mac Girls Tropical Getaway swimsuit here.
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